When you are out with your friends for a dinner, party or any event, you know you would be drinking, it is wise to choose a designated driver. Designated drivers have prevented many accidents and saved many lives by stepping up. The Designated driver ensures everybody reached home safely and nobody is caught a drink and drive situation. The Designated driver is someone who has committed to being sober for the duration of the event. The person is made aware of his role before the event and it is the designated driver’s responsibility to get everyone home and the best idea is to hand over the keys before the event starts. There is a plan on who would be driving after the party and how everybody reaches home. Thus nobody ends up driving under the influence of alcohol thus endangering their lives.

The designated driver has to stay sober when everybody else is drinking, which means he cannot drink a single glass during the event. So it is a good idea to rotate the responsibility in the group so that everyone gets a turn. If nobody in the group is willing to be the designated driver, there is also the option of hiring designated drivers. The designated drivers pickup from a particular location and makes sure they reach home safely.

There are many designated driver service providers now who provide drivers for occasions like dinner parties, events or any private party. During New Year’s Eve, many service providers offer discounts on the designated drivers service to ensure people reach home safely to their loved ones. The designated drivers provided by the Drivers Agencies are skilled and professional. They are experienced and have knowledge of the locations where they have to work. Only after proper verification is done, are the designated drivers selected.

With the designated driver, you can ride in the comfort of your own car and go to parties, get-togethers, and bars. You can enjoy the evening with your friends and not worry about getting home safely. Whether you are looking for a driver, car or transportation to an event, there are many service providers whom you contact.

The designated drivers are trustworthy, safe and most importantly sober. They ensure you enjoy the evening worry free and make sure your safe return home. It also saves money on expensive taxis late at night.

The service providers in the market have applications through which bookings can be made. They also have a website by which you can make your reservations. There are designated services all over the world – USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Ontario, British Columbia, South Korea, and Hongkong.

Although the USA has numerous providers for designated drivers, Canada started designated drivers service before the USA. In Asian countries such as Hongkong, the designated drivers service is at a nascent stage. However countries like South Korea, there is a huge demand for designated drivers service in South Korea. There are call centers in Seoul working in collaborations with vendors to attend to calls for the request of the designated driver.


